5 Tips for Cultivating a Tight-Knit Social Circle

Maybe you feel like you’ve been too busy to spend time with your friends lately, or perhaps you recently moved to an area where you don’t know many people. It can be tempting to just stay in - but being around your friends is actually essential for your wellbeing.

If anxiety is holding you back from reconnecting with your friends, you might have a lot to gain from pursuing coaching with Blueprint to Wellness. Furthermore, these tips will help you catch up with your old friends again, make new friends in your area, and become a better host!

Socializing and Your Wellbeing

Finding contentment in time spent alone is a good thing - but too much time on your own can actually be detrimental to your physical and mental health. Everyday Health states that maintaining close friendships can increase your self-esteem and help you deal with stressors. Additionally, friendships can benefit your physical health. In fact, CapTel states that having a strong friend group can improve your immune system and even encourage you to swap out unhealthy habits for healthier behaviors.

Reach Out to Old Friends

Maybe you occasionally find yourself wondering about your old friends from high school or college, and you wish you could reach out to them today to catch up. If you’re interested in looking up your old classmates and rekindling those relationships, you can try using an alumni search platform. You’ll just need to input your friend’s name, the name of your high school, and their graduation year. Ideally, you’ll be able to get your friend’s contact info and see how they’ve been doing!

Meet New People

Your social circle isn’t limited to your current friends and your old friends. After all, you always have the opportunity to meet new people! When you put yourself out there, you’ll realize that you’re always surrounded by potential friends, as long as you’re willing to make an effort.

But where can you meet new friends? Mas Medical Staffing recommends volunteering with a local nonprofit, joining a recreational sports team for adults, taking group fitness classes, getting involved with a book club, visiting nearby farmer’s markets, and/or just becoming a regular patron at a local small business.

Fun Social Activities

You’ve brought a few of your old friends back into your life, and you’ve met some friends as well - but how can you bring them together and show everyone a good time? Keep their interests in mind and suggest some fun group activities that everyone can enjoy. You might want to get everyone together for a hike, a backyard game tournament, or barbecue night to start off.

Being a Good Host

Polishing your hosting skills will help you feel more confident when you extend invitations to your friends. Plus, your friends will want to keep coming back to your place for future events! To be a great host, prepare anything you need for get-togethers in advance, from food to tableware. You can also try hosting buffet-style dinner parties, like taco nights, which gives your guests a chance to get to know each other and bond over similar preferences.

Making friends in adulthood isn’t easy - and if you’ve lost touch with friends from your younger years, you might feel a little awkward about reaching out to them. But when you start making friendships a priority, you’ll see that the time and effort you invest in your social circle is worth it. By following some of these tips, you’ll notice how keeping your friends close improves every area of your life.

Are you ready to change your life for the better? One, you can seek guidance through Blueprint to Wellness. Fill out the contact form on our website today to learn more about our services.

With contributions from Alexis Hall@ information@singleparent.info Photo via Pexels


Put a Stop to These 4 Habits for Your Own Wellbeing

Breaking bad habits can be challenging, but when they affect your physical or mental health, it’s important to take a look at your behaviors to see where changes can be made. Whether you want to reduce the stress in your life, improve your diet and exercise routine, or boost your confidence and self-esteem, there are some things you can stop doing that will be incredibly helpful. Think about what your goals are and how they’re affected by your routines or actions; for instance, if you want to change the way you eat and adopt a healthier diet, it will be much easier to do so if you alter your shopping and meal preparation habits. Read on for tips on how to stop certain behaviors in order to feel better.

Stop overworking yourself

It can be difficult to change a busy schedule when you’re so used to working that way, but it’s important to take a step back and look at your routines with a fresh eye. Do you often bring work home with you? Is it common for you to work through your lunch break? Is it hard for you to say no when someone asks for your time, even though you’re already stressed? Setting some limits and asking for help will allow you to prevent burnout so you can focus a little more on your own needs.

Stop putting yourself last

When it comes to caring for your own needs, you may have to change some things outside of your work habits, as well. How often do you put yourself first? It can be challenging to take care of your mind and body when you’re constantly thinking about others or prioritizing things like household chores. An easy way to shift the focus to yourself is to set an intention for the day by meditating or writing down some goals. Choose one thing that you can do just for you, such as cooking a nutritious and filling meal.

Stop being disorganized

When you want to make changes to your lifestyle, it’s important to start by getting organized, both at work and at home. Get your desk in order, clear out the clutter in your house, and download a few apps that will help you stay on top of your appointments and responsibilities or, if you prefer, keep a journal that will allow you to keep track of everything. Not only will some organization help you reduce anxiety and stress, but it will also empower you and give you peace of mind on busy days.

Stop putting off the things you really want to do

Once you get organized, you can take stock of your goals and think about where you’d like to see yourself in the next month and year. Is there something you’ve been putting off that you’d really like to try, such as practicing a hobby or getting involved in the community? Is there a task or chore that you’ve been procrastinating about? Even if it’s something small, taking care of things and being mindful about your goals can help you feel more in control and will give you the confidence you need to tackle larger things down the road.

Changing behaviors and routines isn’t always easy, so start small and give yourself the right tools to take action. Think about how you can banish stress from your life, and look for support and assistance from friends, family, and online resources as you make these changes.

Blueprint for Wellness can help you make necessary changes and create your own future. Join now or call 781-267-5372 to learn more!

Contributions by Alexis Hall from information@singleparent.info

Photo via Pexels


If you have been tackling clutter and cleaning your home more than you ought to, there are things you can do to keep it more organized or so you won’t need to resign yourself to cleanups all weekend. Because your environment reflects your inner state, notes Reader’s Digest, you don’t want a chaotic home. With some simple steps, you can avoid clutter and dirt that would require taking a weekend off to clean up. Here are some tidiness habits that will help you to create a naturally healthy space.

Keep Your Shoes at the Door

Wearing shoes past the entryway could mean dealing with dirt in places like your kitchen, the living room, and even your bedrooms. The bottoms of your shoes go through many surfaces; Risk Analysis points out that bringing them into the house would also mean inviting a lot of germs that could place your and your family’s health at risk.

To keep shoes organized at the door, add shelving or get cubbies or a bin where you can store them. You may even be able to incorporate storage spaces into your interior design. You don’t want shoes scattered all over on your doorstep, too, as these are among the likely causes of falls. Also, consider getting a natural fiber rug, one inside and another outside the door.

Put Things Away as You Use Them

It’s easier picking things up on the go than waiting to do huge cleaning sessions at once. While it sounds appealing, this is sometimes easier said than done so it takes some practice. The secret is ensuring that all items have their place. For example, you can store makeup in keepers every time you don’t use it. If you have dirty clothes, always ensure they’re kept in the hamper, not on chairs or the floor. Also, after using kitchen appliances, put them back in their spot. After working on your laptop, don’t just leave it next to your bed.

All of these sound easy enough, but what about your kids and spouse? Sit them down to discuss the benefits of a neat home, as well as make them more accountable for their own messes.

Make Your Bed Every Morning

Making your bed every morning will not only make your home tidier but also reduces your stress levels. You only need about five minutes to make the bed. Make it a habit or ask your partner to help if they get out of bed last.

Spruce Up the Exterior

Besides keeping your home neat and organized, a well-maintained lawn and landscape shouldn’t be discounted. Your outdoor green spaces are the first thing you and others notice whether you’re coming or going, so put some effort in boosting the curb appeal. Keeping up with yard work can be time-consuming and exhausting, which makes hiring professional landscapers to handle the job a smart move. Simply Google “landscaping near me” to zero in on the closest nearby experts with the highest ratings.

Declutter Once Every Month

Naturally, some things will pile up. Your books, magazines, food containers, socks, and mail are some of the things you might need to organize a few times every month. You can spend an hour going through these items to decide which ones to recycle, toss what you don’t need, or donate those in good condition. Again, keeping your home free from things you don’t need will help you feel in control and calmer.


These are habits that may sound simple, but many people would not think these would make a difference in their homes and mental state. However, these acts can go a long way if you observe them without fail. In just a few minutes, you make life better and your home more organized!

Contributions made by Alexis Hall @ singleparent.info

Take Control of Your Life: 4 Tips on How to Avoid Anxiety

Photo by Keenan Constance from Pexels

Take Control of Your Life: 4 Tips on How to Avoid Anxiety

Life is full of daily stressors. The constant need to juggle familial obligations, work responsibilities, and social commitments can often create intense feelings of overwhelming. Although some people can push through these emotional and mental barriers, others are met with paralyzing fear and worry that prevent them from living productive and meaningful lives. Familiarizing yourself with a few basic tips can help you keep your anxiety at bay. Visit Blueprint to Wellness often for the resources you need to live your best life.

1. Understand Your Triggers

Do you shy away from large gatherings, dread public speaking, or avoid visiting the doctor? It is important to have a thorough understanding of the situations, or triggers, that cause you such distress. Once you have identified any culprits, you can brainstorm ways to combat them. Slowly and purposefully exposing yourself to feared scenarios may be beneficial to minimize uncomfortable physical sensations that your anxiety produces.

2. Regularly Engage in Physical Activity

Exercise is not only great for your physical well-being, but it is also an excellent way to keep your mental and emotional health in check. Research shows that working out can minimize anxiety through the release of serotonin, endorphins, and other natural hormones. Yoga, spinning, and aerobics classes may be an ideal option for those wishing to participate in a group setting while walking, swimming, and running can be done independently.

3. Find Meaningful Work

Not all jobs are conducive for individuals who are easily prone to stress. Do you find yourself constantly worrying about tomorrow’s work responsibilities after you’ve left the office? Maybe your current job is not the right fit for you. It is never too late to consider a career change. If quitting your job to go back to school isn’t feasible, you may want to consider enrolling in an online program so you can be flexible with your classes and work schedule. Gaining a degree to become an entrepreneur, IT professional, or healthcare practitioner may be exciting, especially if you are looking to work in a relaxed and positivity-based environment.

4. Identify a Support System

It is common for people to refrain from sharing intimate aspects of their lives, whether it is due to embarrassment, fear of judgment, or pride. Do you have trusted friends or family who you feel comfortable confiding in? Openly talking about fears or worries that you may be experiencing can help you overcome obstacles. Other individuals can give you advice on how to go about handling certain circumstances or simply serve as a safe outlet for you to express thoughts that you may be harboring internally.

Seeking the services of a psychologist or other licensed professional may be advantageous if you are looking for input from an unrelated third party. Given their extensive training, these individuals can aid you in developing positive thinking patterns and introduce you to a variety of coping mechanisms to deal with stressful situations. An experienced professional may advise you to:

  • Ground yourself with controlled breathing

  • Journal about your emotions

  • Dedicate time to yourself

  • Find new hobbies

  • Spend time out in nature

Learning to avoid anxiety is often easier said than done. Educating yourself on how to minimize these feelings can help you take control of your life. Enjoy doing what you love without the unnecessary presence of worry and fear.

Contributions provided by Melissa Howard melissa@stopsuicide.info

7 Unexpected Self-Care Practices Every Entrepreneur Should Be Doing


Image via Pexels

7 Unexpected Self-Care Practices Every Entrepreneur Should Be Doing

If you've been around the internet long enough, you've probably read an article or two about self-care.

Most self-care for entrepreneurs focuses on eating well, staying active, and minimizing stress as a business owner. Those practices are important, no doubt, but true self-care goes beyond simple habits.

When you're an entrepreneur, self-care also means taking care of yourself financially, mentally, and emotionally. It means learning how to balance business ownership with life ownership and be resilient in the face of failure.

Are you ready to take control of your wellness? These are the unexpected self-care practices that keep entrepreneurs at the top of their game.

Don't drain your savings to start a business

You have a business idea you're certain will pay off and a 401(k) flush with funds. As tempting as it may be to tap savings to chase your dreams, robbing your future self is never a smart move. If you don't have the cash to start a business without draining your savings, apply for microloans, crowdfund, start your business part-time, or adapt your business to a low-capital approach.

Pay yourself first

Running a business is stressful enough when you're getting paid. When you're not taking a cut, morale can feel impossible to maintain. Yet more than half of all small business owners go months without paying themselves, according to Reuters.

Not only should you pay yourself as a business owner, make sure you're saving for retirement too. This takes planning, but your future self will appreciate it.

Protect your wallet

It doesn’t matter how much you save if you fail to protect your finances from business liabilities. While a sole proprietorship is the easiest business structure for entrepreneurs, it leaves your personal finances exposed. An LLC isn't just a smart business move, it's also great for peace of mind. Stressed by bureaucracy? Forming an LLC in Massachusetts is easy to do and you don't need a lawyer when you use a step-by-step online service.

Get a real office

Before entrepreneurs can achieve work-life balance, they need to optimize their workday. When you're productive at work, it's easier to “clock out” at the end of the day. If your business is based at home, get a dedicated workspace where you can accomplish focused work. This can be a home office or a co-working space. Wherever you work, make sure you’re creating a distraction-free space that inspires productivity.

Pursue a hobby unrelated to work

Now onto the balance side of the equation: Your work may be your passion, but it’s important for entrepreneurs to have a hobby that’s just for fun. A hobby provides purpose and builds self-esteem separate from your identity as an entrepreneur. This creates resilience that gets you through hard times in business. Hobbies also help entrepreneurs think outside the box and stay creative.

Do things for others (for free)

As a business owner, you’re all about closing the sale. However, it’s a thin line between ambition and greed. Embracing fair trade, keeping your ego in check, and staying open to feedback are business practices that keep you down to earth as an entrepreneur, but what you do off the clock matters too. Volunteer, donate, mentor, and get involved with your community as a way to give back and stay connected to your vision, not just your bottom line.

Tend to your relationships

Finally, entrepreneurs must make time for others. It’s easy to get frustrated, feeling like family and friends don’t “get it,” but the truth is, your loved ones just want to spend time with you. If you struggle to make room for others in your busy schedule, try weaving quality time into those healthy self-care habits we mentioned above. Cook healthy meals together, get active outdoors as a family and plan quality downtime where you can be present with the people you love.

As a former professional athlete, personal trainer, and now business owner, Nick knows all about the role of self-care in achieving greatness. When you need to find balance in business, contact Blueprint Wellness to learn how a stronger, healthier, more financially sound you can help your business achieve new heights.

By: Melissa Howard melissa@stopsuicide.info

Tips for navigating ‘back to school’ whether your kids are venturing out or not

A great read and some insight into helping our kids be as productive as possible. We as parents should try to give them every advantage to succeed given the times we are in. Let’s set the tone early, and reach for the moon.

Tips for navigating ‘back to school’ whether your kids are venturing out or not - Functional functionalnutritionlab.com

Follow These Self-Care Tips to Ward Off the Downsides of Introversion


Follow These Self-Care Tips to Ward Off the Downsides of Introversion

Even though many people believe they
fall under the category of introvert or extrovert, it’s rare that
someone exhibits only characteristics of one of these personality
. In fact, it’s better to see these words as
descriptors of behavior that we all exhibit at one point or another.
Whether you shy away from public speeches or feel slightly
uncomfortable being the center of attention at a party, many of us
have some form of introversion. Real issues only start to arise when
your introverted tendencies aren’t balanced and begin to dominate
your daily decisions. Let’s take a look at some ways to prevent
severe introverted behaviors from taking over your mental and
physical well-being.

Stay on top of your medical coverage.

Staying inside, avoiding social
contact, and constant rumination are all telltale signs of when
introversion goes wrong. These results can start impacting your
mental and physical health. Maintaining proper healthcare coverage
helps to ensure you have access to appropriate medical attention when
things go south. Seniors should highlight this tip since they’re at
a higher risk for feelings of loneliness and health concerns.

Look into all-natural supplements.

One of the popular supplements that
people are turning to for help with things like mental health, aches
and pains, and anxiety is CBD oil. Although cannabidiol (CBD) is
found in marijuana plants, using CBD oil or CBD-infused edibles will
not get you high. Instead, users state feeling a sense
of relaxation
after using these products. However,
before using any new supplements — CBD-related or otherwise —
it’s important to discuss this decision with your primary care
physician, especially if you’re currently on any medications.

Spend time with loved ones and friends.

Alone time doesn’t have to be a
negative thing. This classic behavior of introversion only starts to
become a problem for your mental health when you restrict your
interaction with other people. Thanks to your evolutionary roots in
social groups, your mind needs a certain level of stimulation from
other humans to operate optimally. Social interaction has been shown
to support mental health through the reduction of bad thoughts and
improving your coping mechanisms in the face of stressful events.
Without ample social stimulation, your risk of experiencing cognitive
and other mental health conditions increases.

Boost your self-confidence.

At times, introversion can lead individuals to begin questioning their
capabilities and can develop into full-blown self-doubt. Implementing
some habits that boost self-confidence is a great way to combat these
negative thoughts which can take a toll on your mental health.
Meditation, in particular, can improve your self-esteem while also
making it easier to combat anxiety. The

key is to practice regularly to change your mindset. Positive
affirmations are other closely-linked techniques that see
practitioners repeating optimistic messages such as “I am enough”
or “I know I can do this.” Like meditating, practicing these
affirmations on a daily basis can also help boost self-esteem.

Introversion is a natural tendency that
many people face in varying degrees. When this urge leads you to
spend too much time alone, it can lead to negative mental and
physical health consequences. These strategies can help everyone
overcome the negative impact of introversion and lead a healthier
life overall.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Melissa Howard- melissa@stopsuicide.info

Getting Ready For Your First 5K As A Single Parent


Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/MabelAmber-1377835/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=4039378">Mabel Amber, still incognito...</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=4039378">Pixabay</a>

Getting Ready For Your First 5K As A Single Parent

Many people believe that training for a 5K means running, running, and more running. While it’s true that conditioning your body by gradually increasing your running distance is part of it, there are other steps to take before stepping onto the track. From visiting your healthcare provider to explaining to the kids why you’re suddenly fixated on fitness, the following tips can help you achieve your goals.

See your doctor.

Before you begin any type of training, consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that there are no underlying problems that might prevent you from running. Depending on where you live, you can schedule an NHS-sponsored health check, which will screen for heart disease, stroke, and other conditions. During the exam, your provider will discuss your activity, weight, and lifestyle habits. If you live outside the UK, ask your doctor about scheduling an annual wellness visit.

If issues are detected, your medical professional can help you look for ways to compensate. For example, if you have asthma, she may suggest that you avoid running outside in the winter. Similarly, if you have plantar fasciitis, HeelThatPain suggests warming up before you run, and ensure you listen to your pain and avoid overtaxing your feet. Furthermore, even if you’re in perfect health, you doctor may still recommend that you start taking a multivitamin if you don’t already. These vitamins not only boost your immune system, but they also can increase your energy and improve bone health. 

Involve the kids.

You might not have a history of athleticism, and that’s okay. But, your children may not understand why mom or dad is suddenly out jogging when you would normally be reading bedtime stories. A simple resolution to is for the kids to join you. 

A good way to keep everyone motivated is to provide fitness trackers for the entire family. A great kid model is the Garmin Vivofit Jr. 2, which The Wired Runner notes provides fun rewards for meeting goals. It’s also waterproof, can monitor sleep patterns, and, most importantly, tracks their active hours.

For you, keep an eye out for the Apple Watch Series 5. The newest smartwatch from Apple offers many safety features, including an emergency SOS option, in-watch ECG generation, and fall detection. The emergency feature allows you to call local emergency services in the UK, US, and most other countries. On top of that, there are fun things for grownups, like the various watchbands to sync with your wardrobe, and faces that vary from sporty to boardroom worthy. 

Start running.

Now that you’ve got the all-clear from your physician and the kids have their sneakers strapped on with you, it’s time to hit the pavement. But you cannot expect to manage 3.1 miles on your very first outing. Instead, start by walking, and gradually work on intermingling higher speeds. You can then graduate to jogging steadily and, after a few days, running at a comfortable speed. Keep in mind it can take up to eight weeks to train your body to run for three solid miles without stopping.

Don’t get discouraged.

If you make it all the way to race day but find you can’t finish, that’s okay. Furthermore, a failed first attempt is an excellent opportunity to teach your children the idea of perseverance. They will see you taking care of your health, working toward a goal, and then pushing on despite not achieving it the first time around. This is a valuable lesson that transcends exercise, so set your sights on the next 5k, and keep training.

As a single parent, is often difficult to admit when we are defeated. Moving forward after setbacks, however, reinforces to your children that that can and should try again if they experience setbacks. So remember, it is okay to make it halfway, just as long as you don’t let it get you down. 

When you do not have a partner to support you, making plans to do things like run a 5K may seem out of reach. But it does not have to be that way. Get the kids involved and don’t be afraid to show them your hard work, and both your wins and your hard-lost failures. 

Courtesy of Sheila Olson at fitsheila.com