All photography provided by Jared Chambers

In the last 150 years or more, we have had an obsession with weight and how to lose it. In nearly the same amount of time, we have equally spent efforts trying to understand the human mind and it’s behaviors. As a society, deeply rooted in appearance, millions have been spent with the intent on vanity. Our efforts are to improve both, using simple methods and coaching principles.


Our Mission

Simply to make the world a better place by increasing positive and empowered people to lead future generations. In essence the power of positivity and healthy awareness. Your mind is a powerful thing, when you fill it with positivity, your life will start to change.

Being in a positive state of mind is more important than you might think as the mind cannot be creative in a negative state. New ideas, thoughts and inspiration will only take place when the mind is positive.
— Joe Hinchliffe, Average Joe's Success Rituals

Focus Areas

  • Nutrition

  • Healthy Living

  • Weight Training/ Weight-Loss

  • Communication/ Relationship Management

  • Work-life Balance

  • Self-Confidence

  • Accountability/ Achievements

  • Financial Management